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    Important information for buyers of HELEN SEWARD professional hair care products

    The official representative of HELEN SEWARD hair care products in Lithuania, the company UAB "Juara" informs all its customers that cosmetic products controlled by the manufacturer HELEN SEWARD can only be purchased at Douglas, pharmacies in the country, online stores of these pharmacies, beauty centers that have purchased goods from official sales managers of UAB Juara. The representatives of the manufacturer HELEN SEWARD, the company UAB "Juara" are responsible for the safety and quality of the products distributed by them.
    The manufacturer of HELEN SEWARD products and UAB "Juara" do not assume responsibility for products sold in other markets marked with the HELEN SEWARD brand. According to Article 6.292 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania. 4, the product manufacturer is not responsible for products that have entered the market through unknown importers. The dealers who supply them to the market are responsible for the quality of such products and the damage caused by improper quality.
    Representatives of UAB "Juara". 

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    Helen Seward Rehub+ No.0 restorative shampoo for damaged hair, 250ml
    Code: 801117202416
    For dry and damaged hair

    Restorative shampoo that protects hair from breakage. 

    Helen Seward Rehub+ No. 4 restoring mask, 250ml
    Code: 801117202419
    Hair masks
    For damaged hair

    Smoothing mask against hair breakage. 

    Helen Seward Rehub+ No. 7 hair lifting/laminating emulsion, 250ml
    Code: 801117202421
    Hair masks

    Perfector lifting/laminating emulsion with instant shine effect. 

    Helen Seward Mediter Remedy treatment set (Remedy shampoo, 75ml - 1pc; Remedy mask, 75ml - 1pc; Remedy emulsion, 8ml - 3pc)
    Code: 801117202287

    Restorative treatment for damaged and brittle hair with specially fermented organic grape extract. 

    Helen Seward REHUB+ Mini Kit
    Code: 801117202349

    "REHUB + Specialist" is a powerful, professional and fast restoration of damaged hair fibers that strengthens and regenerates. 

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